From the Director:
Our mission is to all the Manhattan students: to bring them into a friendship with Christ that will transform their lives, and then to send them out to evangelize the world as businessmen, nurses, priests, religious, filmmakers, engineers, parents, and everything else.
All of that depends on you. Thank you for making this community and our work possible. If you have any questions at all, or some idea you would like to share, please go ahead and contact me.
Please consider becoming a regular supporter through monthly donations (Paypal is the best option): they keep our community going.
Fr. Isaiah Beiter, O.P.
“To see the vitality, the promise and the hope in the company of all of you is a genuine blessing, and I thank God.”
Timothy Cardinal Dolan | Archbishop of New York

Your support helps with…
Building Maintenance
Dedicated in 2012 by Cardinal Timothy Dolan, the Catholic Center provides a place for city university students to engage with their faith and find like-minded friends. Your support of the CC ensures the upkeep and maintenance of our space so that we can continue to be a center for Catholic life at NYU.
Operating Budget
Throughout the academic year, the Catholic Center sponsors various events for students, such as bible studies, community evenings, and the annual Fall Retreat. We rely on the support from our friends who share in this important mission in order to provide these events for the students at little to no cost for them.
Student Involvement
Some of the events the Catholic Center hosts require fees from the students themselves, whether when we invite students to the Fall Retreat or to the SEEK Conference. The more we are able to fund these events, the more students are able to attend them at low costs—allowing more students to attend.
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