What to expect at the CC…


Make Friends

It can be hard to find friends in the busyness of New York City. At the Catholic Center, you will find like-minded university students who desire to both live their Catholic faith fully and excel as a student at NYU or one of the surrounding colleges. These relationships are deepened through the events sponsored by the Catholic Center.

Grow in Your Faith

We offer daily Mass, adoration, and confession during the weekdays and work with St. Joseph’s Parish to provide more sacramental ministry for you. The Center also sponsors a robust schedule of activities, including the annual Fall Retreat, bible studies, a weekly community night, and other opportunities to travel for Catholic events.

Prepare for the Future

At the Catholic Center, we will help you build a relationship with Jesus Christ that will last for the rest of your life. The world needs men and women on fire for Jesus Christ. Here, you can become one of those people who stands as a stalwart follower of Jesus Christ for your community, your family, and the universal Body of Christ.