The first word of the Nicene Creed: “I Believe ”, from the Latin “ CREDO”, gives name to the Catholic Student Journal at NYU.

CREDO is a witness to the power of the Gospel in academia, and a collective for the fruits of the contemplative life among those we serve.

We invite professors, currently enrolled students (undergraduate and graduate) at any of the academic institutions we serve, and our alumni who are involved or remain close to the Catholic Center, to contribute written or artistic submissions to CREDO, our Catholic Student Journal.

Text or multimedia contributions are welcomed.


“But in your hearts reverence Christ as Lord.

Always be prepared to make a defense to anyone who calls you to account for the hope that is in you,

yet do it with gentleness and reverence.”

-1 Peter 3.15

A CREDO written or multimedia submission should reflect on the Catholic Faith and should relate to the mission of The Catholic Center at NYU.

Consider the following content possibilities:

· CATHOLIC IDENTITY | What does it mean to be Catholic?  How does the Gospel speak to our time and generation?  What are the great questions young people ask? Whom do you look to develop your own Catholic Identity?

· EVANGELIZATION | What is the role of charity in Catholic evangelization? Consider texts in ancient and current apologetics. What attracted you to the Catholic Center and its programs?  What does the Catholic Center offer students?

· CONTEMPLATION | What is Catholic Prayer? Do you write prayers? Have you found prayers that have moved you to closer union with Christ and the Saints? What Catholic contemplative traditions have you found helpful? How is Sacred Scripture and the Liturgy at the heart of prayer?

· DOCTRINE | How do we understand the Church’s teaching authority? What are you thinking about in regard to the Church and her teachings, history, doctrinal heritage? What clarifications can we make that are charitable, accurate, helpful to friends and colleagues?

· SACRED SCRIPTURE | How does the Lord speak throughout salvation history? What is our participation in the Word of Life?

· LITURGY and SACRAMENTS | What is the Mass? Consider the Church’s liturgical life and the liturgical year: Lent, Advent, solemnities and feasts. Reflections on sacramental reality, grace, the example of recent conversion.

· SAINTS | Biographies and writings. Which Saints inspire you? What writings of the Saints have you read?

· DOMINICAN LIFE | What is “VERITAS”? What does it mean “To Praise, To Bless, To Preach”? How may we live the Holy Preaching in the world? Consider the patrimony of Dominican Saints and Blesseds. Consider the theological heritage of St. Dominic de Guzman, O.P., St. Catherine of Siena, O.P., St. Thomas Aquinas, O.P., and other Preachers and Teachers in the Dominican tradition.

· THE CATHOLIC ARTS | Consider the expansive heritage of Catholic masterpieces: novels, musical repertoire, sculpture, architecture, visual arts. Are you a creator? Tell us about your creative process and artistic medium, and the way contemplation and grace inform your work.

· VOCATIONS | What is the vocation of the teacher? Of the student?  What area of study have you/are you pursuing, and how does the Catholic Faith inform your studies? What is Christian friendship, and how does friendship in Christ shape the vocation to marriage, or to consecrated priestly or religious life?

· THE CHURCH TODAY | How can we build up the Body of Christ? What is missionary zeal? Considering our present academic, political, and social culture, offer encouragement to fellow students using any preferred text from Sacred Scripture or spiritual reading. 


The following are required for all submissions:

  • WRITTEN CONTENT | Word file; double spaced 12 pt. font: Arial or Times New Roman. Word limit: 600-750 words. Also submit in .pdf.

    • Any quoted content should be fully footnoted. Word limit includes quoted content.

    • Grammar, style, spelling and punctuation are important elements in content consideration. At the present time submissions may only be made in English. The Chicago Manual of Style is used as the standard for written contributions.

  • ART or MULTIMEDIA CONTENT | A .jpeg and .png file of all images; editable file access to any music or video content is required.

    • Submit all related URLs.

    • Submit any personal digital content portfolios as links.

    • Editorial comments and changes will be made in conjunction with the artist.

  • BIOGRAPHICAL DETAILS | Submit a three-sentence personal biography statement including: Academic institution, department, and graduation year, field of study or present area of work or research. 

  • PHOTOS | Submit a high-res portrait photo of you in smart casual attire; an additional photo of you with NYU friends. Full names are requested with consent to publish online.

  • ADDITIONAL | A short list of your favorite Catholic books: fiction or nonfiction, up to 15 titles.


  • Submissions will be edited for style, clarity, theological accuracy, and length, without altering content significantly.

  • If significant redactions are required, a contribution will be sent back with questions and corrections.

  • Submissions that do not align with CREDO content objectives or that manifest erroneous theological positions will be refused. 

  • An image will be selected by the editorial staff for the post banner on

  • If you have a preference for a banner photo, please express this at the time of submission and send two proposed images.

  • All images must be in the common domain. Submit the source URLs and credentials as applicable. If using a personal image you own, please consent to publication.

  • We will feature submissions on the CC website once a final draft has been sent to contributing student for consent.

  • At the time all contributions are gratefully received as contributions to the life and mission of The Catholic Center at NYU.

  • The Catholic Center at NYU owns content once it is published online.